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tv   Bay Area News at 7  KICU  September 2, 2010 6:00pm-6:30pm PST

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victims from the wreckage. why the leaders call it the best alternative. and the new development that could leave them without a transportation option. this is bay area news at 7:00. good evening,. it is thursday september 2nd i'm gasia mikaelian this is bay area news at 7:00. at this hour at the scene of a plane crash that killed three people in redwood city including a bay area businessman. two bodies remain inside of that plane that is submemoried in six -- submerged in six feet of water. the plane went down shortly before noon today after taking off from the san car loss airport. one of the victims is identified as 91-year-old
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robert foreman, the pilot and the pilot's girlfriend also died in this crash. >> it just sounded like it was having a hard time accelerating. i looked up and just saw it and then i looked down and i heard a big boom and the guy across from me said om my god, the plane just went down so i ran to the lake. >> they pulled the body from the female victim shortly after the crash. the other two victims were dead but have not yet removed the bodies from the wreckage so the national transportation safety board could investigate. the ntsb arrived two hours ago. at this point there is no word on when they phrab to recover the other victims. you can find out more information by going to our home beige on our web site kt -- page on our web site city leaders are deciding when to out source police jobs to the sheriff's office. a meeting is underway right now. we are there with a live
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report. >> reporter: gasia, the meeting started an hour ago. there is no opposition. a it appears they are close to approving the big change to the police department. san car loss police officers were out this afternoon facilitating the thursday night farmer's market set up. if the city council approves a new agreement tonight the 28,000 residents here could have the same officers patrols the streets and writing tickets however as deputies. >> the oldest ones here are the just the plain silver star. >> reporter: the san car loss police department have been here for 85 years, out sourcing to the sheriff's office would save $2 million a year and help close the city's 3-1/2 million budget short fall. >> it is sad. certain isly it has been a difficult process to go through. >> reporter: the city manager says it is the best option for san carlos that laid off 20 employee >> we would of had to cut
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another 15 employees to maintain a police department and would not have been able to maintain our minimum level of staffing. >> reporter: labor unions criticized it initially but the city leaders say they reached an agreement guarantee teeing all full time employees work with the sheriff's department but the idea does not sit well with this long time resident. >> it worries me a little. >> why again? >> well, i am concerns we don't have our own police department. i don't think they will pay as much attention to us somehow. >> one of the main features of, you know, punching a unit there was having the police station across the street from us. >> reporter: this resident is worried it will keep them in the same building that would be a sheriff's substation. >> we don't anticipate there will be a change in response times. >> again, the meeting is underway right now. this is video we have taken in the last 20 minutes. they are hearing a report on this change. if approved the county supervisors have to sign off on the deal and the police hope to
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have this change in place by halloween. my colleague is inside and he will have the outcome on tonight's 10:00 news. reporting live, back to you. a suspect accused of shooting and critically wounding a fremont police officer is back here in the bay area tonight. the authorities escorted the 20- year-old from union city on a plane from san diego this afternoon. he is being held in jail. he was arrested on saturday on the u.s. border with mexico one day after he shot todd young, he confessed to the shooting of the officer. he is set to be arraigned on tuesday. alameda's fire chief was placed on paid administrative leave today. amid evidence that he fueled his personal vehicles at the city's gas pumps. photographs surfaced showing him filling up his blue bmw at the fire department pumps. he tuesday was part of his contract agreement.
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but we obtained his contract and makes no mention of such a perk. >> it is a personal matter. i can not go into it. we have an acting chief, mike fisher who will be running the department in his absence. >> we could not reach him for comment today but in a previous interview he told us the perk was part of a verbal agreement made when he was hired. he faced similar accusations almost two decades ago when he was a fire chief in the lake tahoe area. a tearful good-bye in oak land as friends and family gathered to remember a 13-year- old track star gunned down last week. [music] >> jamar clark just graduated. he was set to attend skyline high school. he was shot and killed last wednesday when a gunman walked up to him and his brother and opened fire. no one has been arrested. the police say they are looking for a most 95 this killing. the police in herbglys named a second homicide suspect
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in connection with multiple killings in the east bay. that suspect, charles writtenhouse senior was not acting normally when he was confronted on tuesday night after discovering the bodies of his wife and her friend at their home. the bodies appeared to have been at the house for several days. at that time they arrested him on explosive's charges after they discovered chemicals at the house along with other suspicious materials. >> the atf located a container which was labeled depleted uranium. they are not sure. i spoke with them this morning. they are not sure what the item is until it is analyzed. >> he told the police he got the materials from the company where he worked. the company denies this. at this hour he is a suspect but has not been charge with the two women's killings. details are coming out about
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the prime suspect in this case who occasion alley lived with him and his wife. the police revealed that he fought with a man and his son just days before the older man was beaten to death. investigators say the father and son attacked the man as they slept at his girlfriend's home where the two men also lived and where the older son was found dead. the police say that he strangled the girlfriend, cindy trent, during a police chase on tuesday night. that chase ended with the officers shot and killed valdamoro. there is still more in this case. his son remains missing tonight. the police say the younger salas might be alived and they are concerned for his safety. they say they think the fight that start today all may have been over the girlfriend. an east bay elementary school teacher is behind bars accused of possessing child pornography. the sheriff deputies arrested alex berg at his home after they confiscated computers and
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storage devices that they say contained thousands of child pornography, bursch teaches in antioch and coaches a swim team in pleasant hill. he is held on $60,000 bail. some east bay commuters say they can not believe it. ac transit may cut bus service leaving many who rely on buses without a transit option. as rob roth reports concerned riders joined the union today as a rally. >> cuts could be coming to ac transit and soon. serious cuts. ac transit officials are considering eliminating the night owl service, no buses between midnight and 5:00 in the morning. >> you can not depend on the transit agency anymore. it is sad. >> reporter: they are looking at a proposal that would limit weekend service to such a degree many people in out lying neighborhoods would not use it. >> i work in the city nights and weekends. and to have them cut the
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weekends when i am just trying to make the move and they raised the bridge toll, it is ridiculous. >> reporter: the problem is money. ac transit officials say it is loses hundreds of thousands a week since the supreme court judge rule thad they could not impose a contract on the bus drivers, a contract that would of saved the district money. the bus driver's union and the transit agency are attempting to hammer out a new contract. the union leaders, community environmental groups rallied to fight for public transportation. protestors are depanding that some funds set aside for federal highway projects be diverted to different agencies. tpefpb it happens it may come too late to stop the cuts on the ac transit service. the board of directors is expected to vote on the proposals in three weeks. if approved they could go into effect december 19th, about a week before christmas. in oakland, rob roth, ktvu
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channel 2 news. across the bay now where san francisco city leaders say the future of the jobs now prom is in jepordy -- jobs are now in jepordy. leaders from 10 states are planning to lobby congress to extend funding for another year. some of the businesses taking part in the jobs now program say it is definitely paying off. >> 145 people that are working for me are building a freon line public library of a million books that will go to every school in america. >> one employee estimates the stimulus funding is responsible for a quarter of a million new jobs nationwide all of which that could disappear on september 30th. hurricane earl weakened a bit today as it turns northward on the path towards the north carolina coast. they downgraded it to category 2 after winds slow friday 140 to 110 miles an hour.
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but hurricane experts say earl is still strong enough to cause destruction. thousands of people evacuated north carolina outer banks and coastal areas. people in states as far north as maine are making preparations to minimize the damage. it was expected to skirt north carolina tonight and reach long island by tomorrow night. another oil rig catches fire in the gulf of mexico. tonight there are conflicting accounts of a oil leak. >> the question, is dumb meter better than a smart meter? what the public utility commission had to say about all of that today and pg&e's answer, still ahead. the start of the harvest. this year the timing is way off. see why growers could benefit while others suffer. another hot day across the entire bay area. the fog already on the increase. it will have a big impact on the temperatures material.
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the full bay area forecast just minutes away.
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. a possible explosion and a fire on an oil platform on the gulf of mexico set off fears of another oil leak. there was a report of a mile long oil sheen on the water. the coast guard now says there is no indication that any oil leaked. the company that operates the well said the well has been shut off and there is no sign of a spill. there are reports of -- there are no reports of damage or injuries tonight following a minor earthquake in the east bay. it was a 3.3 magnitude quake that struck about 9:30 this morning. the the usgs says it was north
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of richmond. b.a.r.t shutdown train service to make sure there was no damage to the track. pg&e has a new weapon in the strug toll convince customers that it is controversial smart meters are accurate. they are reliable but as consumer editor explains they may be hampering their effort to gain customers. ' confidence. >> reporter: they are protesting but law is on their side. >> would not want to use one. i would not want to use one. i would want it proven, of course before i would react. >> i think about the radiation and the fact that we are being forced to have these in very close proximities to our houses and we have no choice. >> reporter: ultimately it boils down to two questions. first, is the old technology better in meaning more accurate and safer than this new technology? second question, did pg&e did a
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good job in introducing it to the public. the report says it accuracy is not an issue. we hope will it be enough. >> as they are dealing with the customers concerned about high bills and health effects from the smart meters broadcast signal. >> we heard loud and clear that what was found lacking was customer communication and customer service. >> reporter: pg&e says they created a task force to oversee the program. revamp kufplt mercommunications. hired more customer service personal and opened additional call centers. they are still recovering from the huge negative public relations hit it took when it lost proposition 16 in an attempt to protect the monoply over public power agency. consumer editor tom vacar, back to you. >> utility crews repaired a gas leak that triggered
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evacuations at an elementary school. there was no danger to the students there you about the principal evacuated students at the back of the school as a precaution. no one was injured. no word on what caused that gas main to rupture. middle east peace talks began in washington, d.c. with hillary clinton expressing hope the conflict could be resolved with a year. >> by being here today you each have taken an important step towards freeing your peoples from the shackles of a history we can not change. >> israeli prime minister and pal tinnian he'der agreed to continue talks when they return to the middle east and to meet every two weeks. the two leaders remain far apart on several corp issues. it could only be achieved with painful concessions of both sides. hewlett-packard won a bidding war with dell computer for the free month company
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frepar. they will not match hp's offer. dell had offered $32 a share. cloud kopl putting involving a storage of data and software on the internet. now to wall street, stocks today managed modest gains after yesterday's big rebound rally. investigators reacted to positive news about the housing market, manufacturing and jobs. the dow gained 50 points and nasdaq rose at 23. days before california's wine grape harvest is expected to begin they blessed the grapes in livermore. because of this year's unusually cool summer weather the grapes just might need it. >> reporter: the wine grape harvest is just about underway in the livermore valley. marked by an annual tradition. [speaking in foreign language] >> reporter: the blessing of the grapes. >> it always ands through for us. so, we have a lot of faith
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here. >> reporter: the winery estate manager says a blessing for a good harvest is welcome after an unusual growing season that has impacted liver more valley winegrowers and beyond. >> this year there is a light bit of concern about the late harvest that is pending because of the cool summer that we have had. >> reporter: chandler with the winegrowers association says this year's harvest is delayed between two and three weeks. the harvest typically would be underway by now. >> with the blessing out of the way growers now need help from mother nature in the form of a dry november with a late harvest fruit will remain on the vines longer that could bring damaging rains into play. >> growers in other regions are reporting lower prices for grapes this harvest season that could threaten wineries. >> the biggest advantage that we have here people in this economy are trieding down into our price points. >> he said the -- trading down into our price point >> it may help some in his
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region if it concludes as hope. >> i am depending on the rabbi and the priest here to make that happen. [ laughter ] >> in livermore, ktvu channel 2 news. >> new research says mental activity such as crossword puzzles and reading could speedup the process in dementia in some patients. they concluded that mental exercises such as puzzles can delay mental decline in most older people yet can have the opposite effect on people in the beginning stagees of dementia. for those patients research showed mental stimulus made it worse. coming up on bay area news at 7:00. millions of people around the world are hoping to get their hands on a new u.s. postage stamp. i will explain why the stamp is in such high demand. also, high pressures here and temperatures are certainly toasty. our meteorologist mark tamiya is coming back to tell us how long the warm weather will last
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. imposing a curfew in golden gate park is on the list. a string of vandalism incidents
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and attacks with homeless people have the police concerned about safety overnight. right now gold engate park is the only one in the city that does not close at 10:00 p.m. it is illegal to sleep in golden gate park overnight. the police say it does not detour homeless people. if you find yourself in golden gate park towards the west end you will see fog around, right, mark? >> that is right. changes in the last two to three hours. the fog is on the increase. and the forecast beginning tomorrow right on into the holiday weekend. right now the maps i can show you this. a live storm tracker 2. there is the cloud bank off shore. it is slowly approaching the bay area coastline since about 12:00 this afternoon. there we go with the cloud deck already pushing into portions of san francisco and closetory ocean beach and right around golden gate park. there is a closer look right there. now there is san francisco out in the distance. there we go. the cloud layer pushing back into the bay. continuing to be on the increase overnight. the weather story is this.
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with the fog on the increase for tonight, cooling kicks in for tomorrow and more fog is expected this weekend. of the temperature pattern for tomorrow will be from the 80s coast side. no more triple digits. the warmest locations at 93, 94 degrees. this was the case today. look at what happens we take it into the weekend. the high pressure is going out of town. this is a familiar element with our forecast. area of low pressure moves in. translating to the cool down this weekend. and it will increase the low clouds and fog. first thing tomorrow morning mainly in the upper 50s to low 60s. pushing back to the bay. approaching parts of the east bay towards richmond and berkeley. and then into the afternoon hours mostly sunny skies. still, patchy coastal fog and there is the temperature range from 63 to 93 for most of the region. it is basically a reversal in
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the wind direction. more of an onshore breeze translating per the cool down for your friday. santa rosa, fairfield, 93. upper 70s, livermore, 94. these temperatures checking in at 3:00 and 4:00 tomorrow afternoon. san skwroes a upper 80s, fremont, 85 degrees. san francisco only in the 60s at 69. here is a look ahead. your five-day forecast. dense areas of fog the first thing in the morning. coot side around the bay. the temperatures still hot inland. notice the trend. we cool it off for the weekend. minor bump in the numbers on wednesday. >> mark, thank you. releasing a stamp honoring one of the most famous humanitarians. 44 sent stamp with mother tearessa. she received a noble peace prize in 1979 for her work and in 1996 congress made her an honorary u.s. citizen. she died in 1997. that sour report for tonight.
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i'm gasia mikaelian our coverage continues on-line at and tonight's 10:00 news over on ktvu channel 2. tmz is up next here on tv36
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